Should you listen to your heart? Should you follow your heart? Sometimes following your heart in love can lead to a lot of disappointment, and upset. Is it time to think with your head and not your heart?

Listen to your heart not your head may seem like good advice. Is it not also true however, that we tend to do the things, that make us feel good in the short term.
As humans, we experience emotions, on a very deep and meaningful level, but we are also known, and often, for making the wrong choices, by following those emotions.
It goes without saying that we experience clouded emotions and the decisions that we end up making, are the result of an emotional judgement rather than a well thought out one.
So we are left with the question of, how to make the right decision in love?
How to make the right decision about a relationship is a serious thing.
Deciding whether to leave a relationship is going to bring a change to your life, regardless of which way you decide.
It may be that you are deciding to stay in the relationship, and wish to learn how to reduce conflict in a relationship.
Conflict in relationships can be caused by many issues including money, family, intimacy concerns and the way that you both interact with one another.
In my many years, providing psychic readings by phone, I have found that the importance of communication in love and relationships is the most common type of issue that is faced.
I have often been faced with the scenario, of whether it is better, to follow heart or mind when it comes to love.
In a situation where people are single they often ask things like, where will i meet the love of my life? Can you tell me how to find true love in life? How can I attract a man? I think I met the love of my life, or how can I attract true love?
Meeting the love of your life for the first time will be different for everyone.
Finding the love you want begins with you.
Finding love within yourself is very important.
If you love yourself others will love you.
So lets look at how to love yourself when you dont know how.
It is very important to look at the heart chakra and the heart chakra meaning. The heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest, and is responsible for love, compassion, and emotions.
I am going to show you how to open the heart chakra in minutes.
When the heart chakra is opened, you will begin to feel, love, compassion, warmth and emotional connections to others.
You will also naturally, attract that same love, compassion and emotional connection, back from others to yourself.
To open the heart chakra, sit quietly in a place where you will not be disturbed.
Ensure that it is a place, where you feel peaceful, and not stressed or worried.
Close your eyes, and imagine that you, are gently breathing in, a beautiful green light.
Continue to imagine, the green light filling up your chest area.
I would also like you to carry out the following exercise daily.
Take a piece of blank paper, and write the following, repeatedly.
You may wish to record it and play it back repeatedly too.
Here are the affirmations for healing the heart.
I am loved
I am happy
I am lovable
I am in love
I attract love, and I feel loved.
I feel deep emotions with others
I allow others to love me
I am attractive to others
I am in a wonderful, happy loving relationship
If you go with the approach of, I am listening to my head instead of my heart, you will find that the mind, will always throw difficulties into the situation.
Your head will always find a reason, to throw up the barriers to love.
The memory is a powerful thing, and it will always have the doubts, of you getting hurt again, with the " what if this, or that happens. "
Learn how to connect with your heart, by opening the heart chakra, as I have shown you.
Learn how to listen to your heart and not your head.
In your heart there is a secret, a gift of peace, a love and happiness, waiting to be discovered.
So trust your heart let fate decide.